AWMA virtual seminar n°19

The speaker, Olubunmi A. Fadipe-Joseph is a Professor of Mathematics. Her research is in Complex Analysis (Geometric Function Theory). She has publications in reputable journals and she contributes in teaching and supervision of both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Olubunmi is the Secretary, Nigerian Women in Mathematics (NWM), ex-officio, Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS), Chair, African Mathematical Union, Commission for Women in Mathematics and Ambassador, International Mathematical Union, Committee for Women in Mathematics



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Date Thursday,  November 24, 2022
Time 14:00-15:00 (UTC)
Speaker Prof. Fadipe-Joseph Olubunmi A.
Affiliation University of Ilorin
Domain Complex Analysis
Title  Geometric Function Theory and the Special Function

Geometric Function Theory (GFT) is the branch of complex analysis which deals with the geometric properties of analytic functions. It was founded around 20th century and has remained one of the active fields of the current research. Special functions are of great interest in mathematics, mathematical physics, engineering and other fields of science. In this work, Geometric Function Theory and the special function would be discussed. In particular, the connection between the sigmoid function and geometric function theory would be investigated.