The main objective of the association "Côte d'ivoire WOMEN in MATHEMATICS" (FMATH-CI) is to encourage the presence of girls in mathematical and more generally scientific and technical studies. It helps reduce the gender gap in science.
Standing committee of FMATH-CI
- PRESIDENT: Dr Assie Brou Ida, PhD in Mathematics/computer science. Assistant lecturer at UIFRMI, Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny.
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Mrs. Mouho Honorine. ENSIA Engineer in Computer Science. DESS Networks and data ase. IT and Management consultant.
- HONORARY PRESIDENT: Prof. Guidy Wandja Joséphine. Professeur des universités en Mathématiques. Agrégée et Docteur d'État en Mathématiques.
- GENERAL TREASURER: Mrs. Koffi Adjoua Sanille. PhD student in Mathematics, option Mechanics.
- GENERAl SECRETARY: Mrs. Konan Amoin Ella Marina. Master in Mathematics/computer sciences, Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny. Head of Training and Tics at Global Digital School GDS Abidjan.
- VICE-GENERAL TREASURER: Dr Nguessan Behou Gérard. PhD in Computer sciences. Assistant lecturer, Université virtuelle de Côte d'Ivoire.
The other objectives of FMATHS-CI are:
- Promote the participation of women in mathematics.
- Provide a meeting place for women in mathematics and stimulate communication between Women in mathematics.
- Encourage women to start and continue their studies in mathematics and promote mathematics among women.
- Support women engaged in a research career in mathematics or in scientific fields related to mathematics.
- Promote equal opportunities between Men and Women in Mathematics.
- Develop a database of women in mathematics.
- Cooperate with national and international institutions that share the same interests.