Creation of the association "Cameroon Women in Mathematics"

Association "Cameroon Women in Mathematics" (CAWOMA created in 2016)


Starting –up Executive Members

Mrs Aminatou proposed the following members to the various posts as a Start-up executive bureau.

  • President : Mrs Aminatou PECHA sp NSANGOU (ISS, Université de Maroua)
  • Vice-president: Mrs Mary NFORBA sp FOMBOH (University of Buea)
  • Secretary General: Mrs Anne HANWA (ENIET de Ngaoundéré)
  • Coordinator  for research: Dr Léontine NKAGUE NKAMBA (ENS, Université de Yaoundé 1)
  • Coordonnator for primary and secondary education  : Mrs Judith SIMO sp MELELE (IPR-Centre)
  • Treasurer : Dr Anne-Marie TIAYA (Faculté des Sciences, Université de Yaoundé 1)
  • Financial Secretary : Mrs Vivian NFOR (University of Bamenda)
  • Communication : Mrs Joseline YOUEGO (Université de Ngaoundéré)
  • Human Relation officer : Mrs Christiane OGADOA AMASSAYOGA sp Mbakop (Université de Yaoundé 1).

Cameroon Women in Mathematics Association (CAWOMA) is an association whose main aim is to promote women in Mathematics in Africa and promote Mathematics among young girls and women in Cameroon. Among its objectives:

  • To encourage Cameroon women to take up and continue their studies in Mathematics

    and to promote Mathematics among women.
  • To support Cameroon women with or desiring careers in research in Mathematics or

    Mathematics related fields.
  • To provide a meeting place for these women
  • To foster international scientific communications among Cameroon women within and

    across fields in Mathematics.

Statutes of CAWOMA here

Attendees list at the first meeting here