AWMA virtual seminar n°18


The speaker, Fatou Kiney Ndow. is a Ph.D. candidate in mathematics at the University of Iowa. Her research is  focused on the applications of dynamical systems and differential equations in Biology  and Neuroscience. She is also a Teaching Assistant for the mathematics department at the University of Iowa. She started her university degree at the University of The Gambia and then completed her Master’s degree in Mathematics at Ohio University. After her Master’s Ishe taught Mathematics for a year at the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College. She plan to pursue a career in mathematical research and teaching.



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Date Monday October 31, 2022
Time 14:00-15:00 (UTC)
Speaker Fatou Kiney Ndow
Affiliation University of Iowa
Domain Dynamical systems
Title  Synchronisation of Diffusely Coupled Oscillators

The synchronization of complex networks can be observed in a wide range of engineered and biological systems, from electric power networks to the human brain. Synchronization in a neuronal network is highly essential to the proper functioning of the brain. However, synchronization of the brain network is detrimental during tremors like epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. We leverage the Master Stability Function (MSF) method to study the stability of the synchronous manifold of coupled oscillators. We will also compare the MSF method to a contraction based method.