AWMA virtual seminar n°21

The speaker, Stanislas OUARO, is  professor of Mathematics at Uniuversité Joseph KI-ZEBO. His research is in Partial Differential Equations, specially non linear PDEs, Mathematical Models in living Science and discrete models. He has publications in reputable journals and he contributes in teachnig and supervision of both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Prof. OUARO has been Director of the Institut Burkinabe des Arts et Métiers (IBAM), President of the Université Ouaga II, Perpetual Secretary of the Académie Nationale des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Burkina Faso (ANSAL-BF) and Minister in charge of National Education. He is Director  of the Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Informatique (LAMI).



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Date Thursday,  March 30, 2023
Time 14:00-15:00 (UTC)
Speaker Prof. Stanislas OUARO
Affiliation Université Joseph KI-ZERBO
Domain Partial Differential Equations
Title  PDEs with variable exponent
Abstract In this talk, we first present the history of Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, then we give some main properties and, finally we study an example PDE with variable exponent
  • Find attached the slides of the talk.